Welcome to Taylor Christian Camp.

The camp is located in rural Allen County Kentucky, near the community of Holland.

Contact Us: taylorchristiancamp@gmail.com

Camp Motto: 1 Corinthians 10:31 – “…do all to the glory of God.”

signHear a poem about Taylor Christian Camp by Chester Bennett.

Brother Chester was one of the founding members of Taylor Christian Camp – the Chrisitan Education & Recreation Worker’s Board of Director – a former elder of Franklin Church of Christ and director of Simpson County Youth Camp.

Support a good cause in honor of a great man!


A Brief History of the life of Donald Chaffin (former CREW Board Member & JCSCYC Co-Director)

We are a Christian based non-profit organization whose purposes are:

1. Provide scholarship funds to a young Christian man or woman
2. Raise awareness and money to research ALS, aka Lou Gehrig’s Disease
3. Honor Donald Chaffin and others for their strong and courageous battle with ALS